
Particle Computer GmbH was founded on September 2005 with the goal of delivering products and services for the development and implementation of monitoring solutions based on wireless sensor networks.

The company headquartered in Karlsruhe (Germany) is a spin-off from TecO, a department of the University of Karlsruhe, with close links to SAP Research, the research department from the world’s leader business software company.


Particle Computer
Haid-und-Neu-Str. 7
76131 Karlsruhe (Germany)

T: +49/(0)721/7817353
F: +49/(0)721/151425836
[email protected]


We are a privately-held company. The company is funded by the venture investors High-Tech Gründerfonds and MAZ level one.

The High-Tech Gründerfonds invests venture capital in successful technology start-ups that transfer world-class research results into innovative products and services. The High-Tech Gründerfonds provides the financial needs as well as coaching and management support. The High-Tech Gründerfonds manages a fund with EUR 262 million originating from the German Government, the KfW Bank and the leading companies BASF, Deutsche Telekom and Siemens.

As specialist for financing and coaching early stage technology start-ups invests the Hamburg based MAZ level one GmbH in seed phases or shortly after to support innovative business ideas with high chances to succeed in the market.